I hope the GOP doesn't do what the Dem's did in the last Election, in that they Vote their FEELINGS. It seems anti-incumbent fever is rolling and may effect Republican as well as Democratic districts. Replacement for the sake of replacement, and not putting the BEST person for the job, may end up hurting the county more than has been done by the Democratic influx of 2009.
Then again, perhaps this is exactly what the Country needs?
Texans (Americans) for a Conservative Future
A venue for people of like minded Conservative values. Ideas and solutions or a Quite frankly Im tired of my President Systematically Dismantling my Country for his parties Political Benefit!
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Saturday, August 14, 2010
We are a nation founded on 'Muslem beliefs"? WHoa this is getting Scary Movie Wierd.
"While the Muslim community has the right to build the mosque, they are abusing that right by needlessly offending so many people who have suffered so much," he said. "The right and moral thing for President Obama to have done was to urge Muslim leaders to respect the families of those who died and move their mosque away from ground zero. Unfortunately, the president caved into political correctness."
Obama surely knew that his words would not only make headlines in the U.S. but be heard by Muslims worldwide. The president has made it a point to reach out to the global Muslim community, and the over 100 guests at Friday's dinner in the State Dining Room included ambassadors and officials from numerous nations where Islam is observed, including Saudi Arabia and Indonesia.
While his pronouncement concerning the mosque might find favor in the Muslim world, Obama's stance runs counter to the opinions of the majority of Americans, according to polls. A CNN/Opinion Research poll released this week found that nearly 70 percent of Americans opposed the mosque plan while just 29 percent approved. A number of Democratic politicians have shied away from the controversy.
"While the Muslim community has the right to build the mosque, they are abusing that right by needlessly offending so many people who have suffered so much," he said. "The right and moral thing for President Obama to have done was to urge Muslim leaders to respect the families of those who died and move their mosque away from ground zero. Unfortunately, the president caved into political correctness."
Obama surely knew that his words would not only make headlines in the U.S. but be heard by Muslims worldwide. The president has made it a point to reach out to the global Muslim community, and the over 100 guests at Friday's dinner in the State Dining Room included ambassadors and officials from numerous nations where Islam is observed, including Saudi Arabia and Indonesia.
While his pronouncement concerning the mosque might find favor in the Muslim world, Obama's stance runs counter to the opinions of the majority of Americans, according to polls. A CNN/Opinion Research poll released this week found that nearly 70 percent of Americans opposed the mosque plan while just 29 percent approved. A number of Democratic politicians have shied away from the controversy.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
A Legacy of Blame, and DEBT till 2150
Well if every President follows our dear Present President's P residence, of blaming his predecessor for his job being so hard....then PRESIDENT Obamma will be enabling the next 150 years worth of Presidents to blame him. No longer will the future Presidents of the United States have to blame their immediate predecessor, since every POTUS will be dealing with Obammas Legacy of Blame and Debt Ignorance.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Let me get this Straight: Republicans are Holding him BACK now
I thought the President had a Majority to get legislation thru. He blames the Republicans for his policy's non effectiveness, and then blames them when it needs actual legislative teeth to work. RUSH RUSH , faster is NOT better than RIGHT.
NOW the President comes out today, in an attempt at bringing himself as the Common man, with Bills Unemployment etc. He says he also suffered and went threw a time like this...sure poor Obammas brief time he was without a Job upon graduation from Columbia University. SO SHOULD WE ALL GET UNEMPLOYMENT BENNI FITS IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING GRADUATION?
HELL Just shoot me now and get it over with..
NOW the President comes out today, in an attempt at bringing himself as the Common man, with Bills Unemployment etc. He says he also suffered and went threw a time like this...sure poor Obammas brief time he was without a Job upon graduation from Columbia University. SO SHOULD WE ALL GET UNEMPLOYMENT BENNI FITS IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING GRADUATION?
HELL Just shoot me now and get it over with..
Friday, July 16, 2010
Thursday, July 15, 2010
BEER and Politics
I have noticed.
When times are bad under Republican leadership we spend more time out at bars drinking "cheaper" BEER.
When times are bad under Democratic leadership we spend more time drinking at home. The alcohol gets higher octane as well.
Confirmed by liquor sales and Bartender interviews
When times are bad under Republican leadership we spend more time out at bars drinking "cheaper" BEER.
When times are bad under Democratic leadership we spend more time drinking at home. The alcohol gets higher octane as well.
Confirmed by liquor sales and Bartender interviews
Prepare yourselves for the Magic of politics. Obamma will try to prove a non-negative. he will tell us of the Hypothetical jobs he saved(NON MEASURABLE), and count those as Produced(FICTIONAL). In the end it is impossible to prove, or prove wrong...since it actually didn't happen.
Smooth on a Presidential scale, but will it work? I think the voting public has become frighteningly aware of these tricks and wont buy it....November 2012 we will see. BOONDOGGLE
Smooth on a Presidential scale, but will it work? I think the voting public has become frighteningly aware of these tricks and wont buy it....November 2012 we will see. BOONDOGGLE
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Arizona's First Arrest Under the New Law

The Intruder was caught trying to remove a VCR from a local residents home after a break-in. She is being charged for Breaking and Entering, Resisting Arrest, and pending charges for assault of an officer. Police Dog "Gruffy Mc Poodle" said that she bit him, and insulted his race(K-9). The officer said"I was having a hard time understanding her...she would speak sentences in English, then Go off in another Language completely. She never stopped smiling the whole time, it was creepy. Im pretty sure she was on Drugs by the way she was acting." Arraignment will be in the morning.
Steinbrenner Dies
Like him or not, he has MADE the New Your Yankees a BIGGER and more Influential Ball Club. RIP
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Our Solar System has been buisy
Just a Thought:
All of the Solar System Planets have very Unique features. Some have tilted axis, others have rings. But they all are heavily influenced by Impact events. This very much includes the Earth, and the Moon.
Jupiter is well known as the "Vacuum Cleaner" of the Solar System. It's wicked Mass ans associated gravity, sucks in 99.8% of large mass objects(Asteroids, Meteors,Martians, etc.). Without it, we wouldn't be.
It just crossed my mind that all of the creation we know, and can measure is the result of and infinite number of collisions. Order from chaos?
We really are from the Stars themselves, and thank GOD.
All of the Solar System Planets have very Unique features. Some have tilted axis, others have rings. But they all are heavily influenced by Impact events. This very much includes the Earth, and the Moon.
Jupiter is well known as the "Vacuum Cleaner" of the Solar System. It's wicked Mass ans associated gravity, sucks in 99.8% of large mass objects(Asteroids, Meteors,Martians, etc.). Without it, we wouldn't be.
It just crossed my mind that all of the creation we know, and can measure is the result of and infinite number of collisions. Order from chaos?
We really are from the Stars themselves, and thank GOD.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Subject: Fw: Fwd: slant on immigration---??????????? This is A satriical view of the situation by former Gov. Lamm.Not everyone should read this because satire is subtle and some readersmight agree with what he says literally.???But it startled Washingtonleaders and so far very little publicity.? ? ....? ? ? ? ? ? ???We know Dick? Lamm as the former Governor of Colorado .. Inthat context? his thoughts are particularly poignant. Last week there wasan immigration overpopulation conference in Washington , DC? , filled tocapacity by many of America 's finest minds and? leaders. A brilliantcollege professor by the name of Victor? Hansen Davis talked about hislatest book, 'Mexifornia,'? explaining how immigration - both legal andillegal was? destroying the entire state of California . He said it wouldmarch across the country until it destroyed all vestiges of? The AmericanDream.? ? ? ? ? ? ? Moments later, form
Thursday, June 3, 2010
The Dream is not Alive
As word cycles threw the various Grapevines of the "Lord of Climate Change" Al Gore's marriage breakup, I was giggling to myself that "..it was George Bushes Fault". Well guess what fans...someone actually came up today in and blames old 43.
Irresponsible people SUX! And Al Gore Can bite me, grow up already!
Irresponsible people SUX! And Al Gore Can bite me, grow up already!
God Help'ed US
I think someone up there is trying to tell us something. When the President comes forward with one of the numerous Policy Changes, something Dramatic and "God-sent"happens to stop it.
Preceding the Health care passage, he Immediately informed the press he was going to tackle Immigration--Arizona Enforced the Existing Federal Law(Effectively halting any Legislative Momentum.
Within days of his new Expansion of Drilling in the Gulf of Mexico--British Petroleum decides to blow up their own rig and halt ANY momentum there.
He avoids going to the traditional visit to the Unknown Soldier--It rains so bad he has to tell people to leave.
GOD help us.:) mDarsey
Preceding the Health care passage, he Immediately informed the press he was going to tackle Immigration--Arizona Enforced the Existing Federal Law(Effectively halting any Legislative Momentum.
Within days of his new Expansion of Drilling in the Gulf of Mexico--British Petroleum decides to blow up their own rig and halt ANY momentum there.
He avoids going to the traditional visit to the Unknown Soldier--It rains so bad he has to tell people to leave.
GOD help us.:) mDarsey
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Monday, May 31, 2010
Freedom is Not Free
Please do your best while Burning your Bar-B-Q, and drinking your Beer to remember the reason for this Holiday.
I won't get all Righteous, and Brow beat you like some to Honor Dammit, Honor. If you don't get it, you most likely wont after a quick read of some strangers blog.
I hope if you want to know, in this age of the Internet, that there are plenty of places to get a real story of a fallen Hero. There are plenty out there.
Have a Happy memorial Day, and remember..
I won't get all Righteous, and Brow beat you like some to Honor Dammit, Honor. If you don't get it, you most likely wont after a quick read of some strangers blog.
I hope if you want to know, in this age of the Internet, that there are plenty of places to get a real story of a fallen Hero. There are plenty out there.
Have a Happy memorial Day, and remember..
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Gulf Coast area STILL not a National Emergency?
Is there any good reason the President has not declared the Gulf Oil leak a National Emergency, similar to a Hurricane/Tornado/Flood? I mean really..? I know it's President Bush's fault for, well everything, but come on!
Please get the people and money in place, and quit Arrogantly ignoring the problem while hiding behind BP. Who cares about fault and blame, that will work itself out in the near future, ...times like these, quit the qua-baling with States and companies and make the People and Infrastructure available NOW....Im afraid along with the Environmental disaster, the lack of adequate response and the"BLAME FIRST and ACT LATER" attitude will stick to the President like...well oil!
Please get the people and money in place, and quit Arrogantly ignoring the problem while hiding behind BP. Who cares about fault and blame, that will work itself out in the near future, ...times like these, quit the qua-baling with States and companies and make the People and Infrastructure available NOW....Im afraid along with the Environmental disaster, the lack of adequate response and the"BLAME FIRST and ACT LATER" attitude will stick to the President like...well oil!
Gulf oil Leak,
National Disaster,
Wednesday, May 12, 2010

PEOPLE CHEATING on their wifes/husbands online and thinking its, OK!! OK???
When was it that Adults started acting like Pre-Pubesent teens freaked out on Sugar & Hormones and dont have a lick of responsibility in them. I mead seriously?
STEREOTYPES of people becoming a way NOT to identify someone. Muslim are not all Terrorist. I get it. But all Terrorist are Muslim. That I get as well. Everyone with a lick of common scene, and even several mentally challenged, can get that.
LOGICAL conclusions are good because they are Logical. Come on Mr. Spock where are ya when I need you.
This conversation moves on to the Mexican Invasion. When did it become MEAN, to do your job and enforce the law.
I fear the Hispanic community is to be permanently damaged by this Mexican Invasion. They are Breaking laws, and ignore the National response, since the most responding they have done to this National Security Insure is to pander to a new prospect of voters. Literally the legislation to move residency status ah aid of schedule was done the day of the announced Arizona amendment.. Seriously. The Government is subverting Security, in lieu of looking bad at telling people that are ILLEGALY here to go home.
OK>>>>BREATH>>>>> I'm better, but I am tired of People Expecting Something for Nothing...really tired of that. Makes us vulnerable for so many bad things, when we don't feel enough pride in ourselves enough to work for their own things..when the government or SOMEONE else is Responsible for your things, you loose the right to complain when they decide to give less and less.
Unemployment over 10%, this is a National Shame that Congress is not working to strengthen our Present Companies and help influence productivity and job creation. No instead they are pushing yet another Boondoggle threw that makes it WORSE on every level. Companies cant afford to keep the people they have, and certainly will not hire new employees. Why not move overseas? THEY ARE!!
Im tired of being tired, so Im going to bed mDarsey
Living in the New Era 101
Howdy all, I will attempt to Entertain and Enlighten.
I will be bringing serious events and discussions to the front. Most of which is NOT covered on the Talk Show Circuit. In the Plethora of Events that are happening Daily, it is not even conceivable for them to catch them all...that's where i come in.
I will also utilize one of my Military connections and provide you with a Unique perspective from one Good man and a Special Special Forces Master Sergent. This guy will guest blogg, and will blow your mind with the joy of God. Seriously!! If there is ever a time to stand up and start paying attention, well that time is most certainly now. Just use your Inside Voice. lol
I'll be Blogging by Rump off soon enough...Just after Surgery tomorrow....So my first Blog after this should be under Morphine....Should be good...lol
Meanwhile I will leave you with the thoughts that God is in control. The sooner I realize it...the sooner I can get on with enjoying what he has provided. Hmmmmm...G'd Nite all, mDarsey
I will be bringing serious events and discussions to the front. Most of which is NOT covered on the Talk Show Circuit. In the Plethora of Events that are happening Daily, it is not even conceivable for them to catch them all...that's where i come in.
I will also utilize one of my Military connections and provide you with a Unique perspective from one Good man and a Special Special Forces Master Sergent. This guy will guest blogg, and will blow your mind with the joy of God. Seriously!! If there is ever a time to stand up and start paying attention, well that time is most certainly now. Just use your Inside Voice. lol
I'll be Blogging by Rump off soon enough...Just after Surgery tomorrow....So my first Blog after this should be under Morphine....Should be good...lol
Meanwhile I will leave you with the thoughts that God is in control. The sooner I realize it...the sooner I can get on with enjoying what he has provided. Hmmmmm...G'd Nite all, mDarsey
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