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Wednesday, May 12, 2010


PEOPLE CHEATING on their wifes/husbands online and thinking its, OK!! OK???
When was it that Adults started acting like Pre-Pubesent teens freaked out on Sugar & Hormones and dont have a lick of responsibility in them. I mead seriously?

STEREOTYPES of people becoming a way NOT to identify someone. Muslim are not all Terrorist. I get it. But all Terrorist are Muslim. That I get as well. Everyone with a lick of common scene, and even several mentally challenged, can get that.
LOGICAL conclusions are good because they are Logical. Come on Mr. Spock where are ya when I need you.
This conversation moves on to the Mexican Invasion. When did it become MEAN, to do your job and enforce the law.
I fear the Hispanic community is to be permanently damaged by this Mexican Invasion. They are Breaking laws, and ignore the National response, since the most responding they have done to this National Security Insure is to pander to a new prospect of voters. Literally the legislation to move residency status ah aid of schedule was done the day of the announced Arizona amendment.. Seriously. The Government is subverting Security, in lieu of looking bad at telling people that are ILLEGALY here to go home.

OK>>>>BREATH>>>>> I'm better, but I am tired of People Expecting Something for Nothing...really tired of that. Makes us vulnerable for so many bad things, when we don't feel enough pride in ourselves enough to work for their own things..when the government or SOMEONE else is Responsible for your things, you loose the right to complain when they decide to give less and less.

Unemployment over 10%, this is a National Shame that Congress is not working to strengthen our Present Companies and help influence productivity and job creation. No instead they are pushing yet another Boondoggle threw that makes it WORSE on every level. Companies cant afford to keep the people they have, and certainly will not hire new employees. Why not move overseas? THEY ARE!!

Im tired of being tired, so Im going to bed mDarsey

1 comment:

  1. The famous people cheating crap is only news because people with small and uninteresting lives pay rapt attention to the occurrences and feel better about themselves through self-righteous condemnation. And here I was thinking a righteous person was a forgiving person...
    The undocumented immigrant phenomenon occurs because the jobs they take are the jobs no one wants to do. Pass a law FORCING the willfully unemployed, but documented, worker - be they immigrant or citizen - to fill these jobs the undocumenteds invade to fill and a POSITIVE step will be taken to cutting off the carrot that we dangle on a stick everyday enticing immigrants to come on over and work without documentation.
